Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Greatest Actor Alive

The performances in films could make or break the overall impact and credibility of the film. Being a great actor is not easy and it takes dedication to their craft to succeed and make a name for themselves. In my personal opinion Daniel Day Lewis is the greatest actor alive and currently working. Daniel Day Lewis will go down in cinema history as one of the most dedicated and ferocious actors to grace the screens. He is what you call a method actor through and through. When he finds a role he stays in character no matter what. Even when everyone calls it a night Daniel Day Lewis stays in character. I read stories from his last film There Will Be Blood, that some of the crew on set where getting frustrated and a little frightened by Daniel Day because he was still Daniel Plainview the character he was playing in the film. Its this type of dedication that truly amazes me. In the film My Left Foot Daniel Day Lewis was portraying Christy Brown, a painter who was born with severe cerebral palsy. He learned to paint and write with only his left foot. The film is truly powerful and shows Daniel Day Lewis at the pinnacle of his craft. During the making of this film Daniel Day Lewis broke his ribs due to the fact he would not get out of his wheel chair and chose to stay in character even when there was no shooting going on. To portray a man with cerebral palsy and to continue to act it out even to the point when he broke his ribs is true dedication. To some it may be a little extreme and a bit crazy, but its what makes Daniel Day Lewis Stand out over other actors. The List below is some of his films which show his true power and passion for acting.

- My Left Foot

- In the Name of the Father

- Gangs of New York

- There Will Be Blood

He is a two time academy award winner for Best Actor for his performance in My Left Foot (1989) and There Will Be Blood (2007) which in my opinion is one of the greatest performances in cinema history.

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