Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Charlie Kaufman is out of this World

When I think of pure originality and pure complexity in cinema I think of Charlie Kaufman. His screenwriting abilities are no secret with almost any film that he writes for becomes an instant classic and a thought provoking piece of art. Four films in particular stand out above the rest. Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, and Synecdoche, New York. These four films are so complex and so full of philosophical ideas that it almost hurts my brain thinking about it. Each film is different, although every one of them deals with loneliness and wanting to be loved. The way he goes about telling each story is pure magic. Of the four I would say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind would be his masterpiece. I don't want to give anything away, but I recommend sitting in a room by yourself with no distractions, and just open your mind up to the wonders of the world Charlie Kaufman has created in his films.

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