Monday, May 9, 2011

PTA can he do no wrong

If there is one director out there that captures my attention its Paul Thomas Anderson. He has only directed five films (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood) and every one have been amazing in their own way. He has a certain style to his films, the cinematography, the lighting, the transitions in shots that make his work so unique and his own. You know your watching a Paul Thomas Anderson film is what I'm trying to say. Every one of his films have been completely different in the overall plot, but every one of his films have had the same recurring themes throughout. The themes that stands out the most would be loneliness, redemption, and forgiveness. The way he can capture someone at their lowest point is very moving and powerful. Magnolia in my opinion is the most powerful and beautiful film he has directed. The film is very complex, and intertwines many different stories in the film. The theme that stands out is utter loneliness. Its so sad but so powerful to watch the story unfold before you. Its real life, not everything is easy going and full of happiness. He tends to use the same cast for some of his films. Philip Seymour Hoffman who in my opinion is one of the top two greatest actors alive and currently working, is used in almost every one of his films. Philip Seymour Hoffman has a knack for playing characters who are depressive and lonely. Its just brilliant when these two artists come together to make a film. Paul Thomas Anderson's next project is starring Philip Seymour Hoffman again. The hype is building up around this film, and again PTA is taking on a totally different plot and storyline. I will be their to watch it opening day, and to see another work of art by the director Paul Thomas Anderson.

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