Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Films that left an impact on my life

Ever since I was in the fifth grade, films have been a big part of my life. My hobby and passion started at a young age due to the fact that my family always moved, and out of my loneliness and transition of making new friends all over again, i resorted to movies. I would go to the public library on my spare time and read out of this gigantic Academy Awards book. This book was like my guide for the first years of my hobby. The first films that I watched that really impacted my life in some way were Forrest Gump, and Schindlers List. These two films although very different were both very influential in my life at the time. As I grew older I became skeptical of the Academy Awards and all the mistakes they were making with the nominations (and still do) that I branched out and began finding other sources to enhance my film knowledge. Today some films that stand out for me and have not only been memorable for me but also the entire film industry would be,

- A Clockwork Orange
- Taxi Driver
- Apocalypse Now
- Citizane Kane
- The Godfather Part 1 and 2
- Pulp Fiction
- Bicycle Thieves
- M
- Memento
- Magnolia
- Goodfellas
- Raging Bull
- There Will Be Blood
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Psycho
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Barton Fink
- The Seventh Seal
- Fanny and Alexander
- 8 1/2

The List could go on. There are so many amazing films out there from all over the world, not just the United States. I hope my passion for films is evident through my blogs, and I want people who read this to know that I highly recommend the films above, there movies that need to be scene at least once before you die. At least if your in love with films like I am.

Charlie Kaufman is out of this World

When I think of pure originality and pure complexity in cinema I think of Charlie Kaufman. His screenwriting abilities are no secret with almost any film that he writes for becomes an instant classic and a thought provoking piece of art. Four films in particular stand out above the rest. Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, and Synecdoche, New York. These four films are so complex and so full of philosophical ideas that it almost hurts my brain thinking about it. Each film is different, although every one of them deals with loneliness and wanting to be loved. The way he goes about telling each story is pure magic. Of the four I would say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind would be his masterpiece. I don't want to give anything away, but I recommend sitting in a room by yourself with no distractions, and just open your mind up to the wonders of the world Charlie Kaufman has created in his films.

Greatest Actor Alive

The performances in films could make or break the overall impact and credibility of the film. Being a great actor is not easy and it takes dedication to their craft to succeed and make a name for themselves. In my personal opinion Daniel Day Lewis is the greatest actor alive and currently working. Daniel Day Lewis will go down in cinema history as one of the most dedicated and ferocious actors to grace the screens. He is what you call a method actor through and through. When he finds a role he stays in character no matter what. Even when everyone calls it a night Daniel Day Lewis stays in character. I read stories from his last film There Will Be Blood, that some of the crew on set where getting frustrated and a little frightened by Daniel Day because he was still Daniel Plainview the character he was playing in the film. Its this type of dedication that truly amazes me. In the film My Left Foot Daniel Day Lewis was portraying Christy Brown, a painter who was born with severe cerebral palsy. He learned to paint and write with only his left foot. The film is truly powerful and shows Daniel Day Lewis at the pinnacle of his craft. During the making of this film Daniel Day Lewis broke his ribs due to the fact he would not get out of his wheel chair and chose to stay in character even when there was no shooting going on. To portray a man with cerebral palsy and to continue to act it out even to the point when he broke his ribs is true dedication. To some it may be a little extreme and a bit crazy, but its what makes Daniel Day Lewis Stand out over other actors. The List below is some of his films which show his true power and passion for acting.

- My Left Foot

- In the Name of the Father

- Gangs of New York

- There Will Be Blood

He is a two time academy award winner for Best Actor for his performance in My Left Foot (1989) and There Will Be Blood (2007) which in my opinion is one of the greatest performances in cinema history.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Top Ten List of the past 4 years

As a part of my film hobby, for the past four years I've made my own top ten best films list of the year. The films range for foreign films, to indie films, to some big money making films. I tend to see anywhere from 60 to 90 films in a year that I use to judge my top ten list, which usually is finalized after the Academy Awards. I usually add after the top ten list 1 to 3 honorable mentions that could not quit make the top ten list. So here they are starting back to 2007.

- There Will Be Blood
- No Country For Old Men
- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
- Before the Devil Knows Your Dead
- Zodiac
- The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford
- Into the Wild
- Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber from Fleet Street
- 4 months 3 weeks and 2 days
- Eastern Promises
Honorable Mention: Atonement, Persepolis

- Syncdoceh, New York
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- The Wrestler
- Doubt
- Che
- Let the Right one In
- Revolutionary Road
- The Dark Night
- Slumdog Millionaire
- Milk
Honorable Mention: Frost Nixon

- A Serious Man
- Inglourious Basterds
- The Fantastic Mr. Fox
- Antichrist
- White Ribbon
- Gomorrah
- The Road
- District 9
- The Hurt Locker
- Precious
Honorable Mention: Up in the Air, Crazy Heart, Where the Wild things Are

- Black Swan
- Biutiful
- Never Let Me Go
- Inception
- Blue Valentine
- Un Prophet
- Dogtooth
- Winters Bone
- Monsters
- The Kings Speech
Honorable Mention: Mother, True Grit, The Social Network

That wraps up my top ten lists. I look forward to another year of watching many, many films, and coming up with top ten list number five.

Cannes Film Festival 2011

The time has come for Cannes 2011. In my opinion and in many other passionate film lovers opinions, Cannes is the most prestigious and respectable film awards competition out there. To me its a bigger deal than the Academy Awards. The Academy Awards have become so political and have made so many poor decisions that its taken away the enjoyment and excitment I once had for the Academy Awards. This years line up is full of amazing, interesting and controversial films that will no doubt bring out mixed emossions from the audience, and critics in attendence. There are 19 films competing for the highest award the Palm D'Or. The ones I am most looking forward too are the following.

- The Tree of Life: Dir-Terrence Malick, Starring: Brad Pitt, Sean Penn

- Sleeping Beauty: Dir- Julia Leigh, Starring: Emily Browning

- Melancholia: Dir- Lars Von Trier, Starring: Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Keifer Sutherland.

- The Skin that I live in: Dir- Pedro Almodovar, Starring: Antonia Banderas

There are some movies showing at the festival that are out of competition meaning they are just there for show, and not for an award. The new Pirates of the Carabian film will be showing as well as Jodie Foster's new film The Beaver starring Mel Gibson. So many films in such a short amount of time. The festival begins May 11-22, 2011. Should be a great year full of powerful and memorable films.

The One the Only Stanley Kubrick

If i had to pick the greatest director in film history it would have to be Stanley Kubrick. The impact he has had on the film industry as well as the influence he has had on many of the great directors of today is truly amazing. Great directors such as Martin Scorsese, Paul Thomas Anderson, Joel & Ethan Coen, and Christopher Nolan have been heavily influenced by the work of Stanley Kubrick. Since the beginning Kubrick had a knack for pushing the boundaries, he was not afraid of being controversial. One of his first and most critically acclaimed films of his, Dr. Strangelove: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb pushed the boundaries. The films focus was on a nuclear apocalypse that would end the world. It was in 1964 as well, so this topic and the way he made the film was very new and very bold for the time. His later films 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, and Full Metal Jacket would keep his streak going for powerful and original films that pushed the boundaries and made viewers think, actually think when they were watching a movie. Shocking I know, people actually have to use there brains when watching his films, which makes the whole experience more rewarding and memorable. Stanley Kubrick has been dead for many years now, but the mark he left on Cinema will never be forgotten and will be carried on through the talented and young directors of this generation and the next.

PTA can he do no wrong

If there is one director out there that captures my attention its Paul Thomas Anderson. He has only directed five films (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, There Will Be Blood) and every one have been amazing in their own way. He has a certain style to his films, the cinematography, the lighting, the transitions in shots that make his work so unique and his own. You know your watching a Paul Thomas Anderson film is what I'm trying to say. Every one of his films have been completely different in the overall plot, but every one of his films have had the same recurring themes throughout. The themes that stands out the most would be loneliness, redemption, and forgiveness. The way he can capture someone at their lowest point is very moving and powerful. Magnolia in my opinion is the most powerful and beautiful film he has directed. The film is very complex, and intertwines many different stories in the film. The theme that stands out is utter loneliness. Its so sad but so powerful to watch the story unfold before you. Its real life, not everything is easy going and full of happiness. He tends to use the same cast for some of his films. Philip Seymour Hoffman who in my opinion is one of the top two greatest actors alive and currently working, is used in almost every one of his films. Philip Seymour Hoffman has a knack for playing characters who are depressive and lonely. Its just brilliant when these two artists come together to make a film. Paul Thomas Anderson's next project is starring Philip Seymour Hoffman again. The hype is building up around this film, and again PTA is taking on a totally different plot and storyline. I will be their to watch it opening day, and to see another work of art by the director Paul Thomas Anderson.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Champions League Final

The rounds have all been completed, and now we are left with two teams. FC Barcelona and Manchester United. Arguably two of the best teams in the world and two of the most storied clubs in soccer history are playing each other at Wembly Stadium for the coveted UEFA Champions League trophy. Two years ago these two teams played each other in the finals with Barcelona controlling and completely dominating the game to win 2-0. This year is a little different. This years Barcelona team is considered to be one of the most talented teams in recent history. The way they play is the pure definition of soccer. They control possession, they score goals, they have fun. They know each others next moves, they know where to place the ball and at what time. I am a hard core fan of Chelsea FC, but I have no problem admitting that Barcelona play the most beautiful soccer in the world and its always a treat to watch them master their craft. I have little to say about Manchester United, being that I am a hard core fan of Chelsea. I have a strong dislike for the team and can only wish them the worst of luck in the upcoming Champions League final. That being said I cannot wait to watch this game because it will be an exciting and competitive game. Each team comes from different countries, and each team plays a different style of soccer. Barcelona play sexy soccer, which means they love to possess and create offensive opportunities at all costs. Man U are your typical English soccer team, meaning they love to work the ball around and create opportunities at the right moment. They play very straight forward soccer that is not as exciting as Barcelona's style, but Man U's style is just as potent and dangerous. The final will be played on May 28, 2011 and it will be a glorious day for one of these two soccer giants.

O so close

Wow is all I can say for the way Chelsea FC bounced back towards the end of this season. In one of my posts I discussed how upset and disappointed I was in the effort and overall skill Chelsea had displayed up to that point in the season. I said the best they could finish was third and I honestly believed what I said. They turned there season around, once key players recovered from injuries, especially Frank Lampard. They were at one point 13 points behind Manchester United which in the premier league is almost, if not impossible to come back from. But they did, they slowly climbed the table. Today was the biggest game of the season. Chelsea were only 3 points behind Man U, and tied on goal differential. If Chelsea were to win it would almost guarantee them the Championship this year. Again i was strongly let down. They began the game with one of the poorest displays of the season, conceding a goal only 30 seconds into the game. They were never able to fully recover. Man U would score again to go up 2-0, only to have Frank Lampard score in the second half to bring the score to 2-1. That is how the game ended. There are only two games left in the season for both teams. I see no chance on earth that Man U will lose there final two games to teams that are at the bottom of the table. Chelsea fought back valiantly this year, they never gave up when many fans including myself did. So the wait begins for next year, to a fresh start and another chance at bringing the trophy back to Stamford Bridge.

The end of an era?

After an embarrassing series that came to a conclusion tonight the Lakers are finally out of the playoffs. So it is safe to say my prediction did not come true. After struggling slightly in the first round against the New Orleans Hornets, the Lakers looked like a shadow of the dominant team of the past two years. Laker nation were able to relax for a little after finally defeating the Hornets in six games. Coming in to round two I felt very optimistic about playing the Dallas Mavericks considering the Mavericks history in the play offs. Dallas came in full throttle and defeated the Lakers in four straight games, shocking the Lakers and basketball fans around the country. Its a sad ending to one of the greatest coaches in sports history. Phil Jackson has said all year that he plans on retiring after this season. His goal was to finish his career with another three peat making it twelve championships in his remarkable coaching career. He led the bulls under the greatest player of all time Michael Jordan, to six championships, winning three in a row twice, a feat he would accomplish again with the Las Angelas Lakers. With the Lakers Phil Jackson won another five championships including another three peat and was close to his fourth three peat this year, coming short after being swept in the second round to the Dallas Mavericks. Although Phil Jackson has said this will be it, I have a feeling he will return, maybe not next year, but some time in the future.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bulls vs Lakers

I grew up basically worshipping Michael Jordan and the pure genius he was in the game of basketball. He is the greatest player of all time and will be second to no one in my opinion. Seeing the Bulls become the dominant team they are this season has brought back great memories from the late 90's when Michael Jordan was still with the Bulls. They truly are a very talented and exiting team that I can see going far in the playoffs this year. How fitting would it be too see the Bulls and the Lakers in the finals and to see Phil Jackson close his record setting career with a championship against his former team. The Bulls are a very young and talented team that probably has the MVP of the season in Derrick Rose, but I cannot see the Bulls let alone any team in the playoffs beating the Lakers in a series. The Lakers have certain ingredients that other teams lack. They have size (Gasol, Bynum, Odom) and the best player in the world (in my opinion) in Kobe Bryant. The team has won the championship for the past two years, and has the leadership and experience to overcome any obstacle that comes there way. Phil Jackson has said this year will be his lat year coaching. He has already won eleven championships, six with Michael Jordan and the Bulls, and five with Kobe Bryant and the Lakers. If the Lakers win this year it will be Phil Jacksons fourth three peat which is truly remarkable. For those who do not know, a three peat is winning the championship three times in a row, and Phil Jackson is on the verge of having his fourth three peat. I am hoping for a Bulls vs Lakers final, would be a great story and a great way to end an amazing career for Phil Jackson (with the championship of course).

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Another year another failure (Chelsea FC)

Well today ended the last hopes for Chelsea to win the elusive Champions League tournament, as well as winning any trophies period. The Champions League tournament is considered by many to be the most prestegious and difficult tournament to win in the professional soccer world, even beating out the World Cup tournament. Chelsea came within inches of winning it three years ago, if it wasnt for John Terry, (Chelseas Captain) hitting the post in penalty shootouts. Well it has been quit a turnaround from last years amazing Double winning campaign. The double for those of you who do not know is winning two major trophies in one season. Its hard enough in professional soccer to win one trophy so winning the double in two major english tournaments (FA Cup, FA English Premier Leauge) was quit the accomplishment last year. So it was fair for every Chelsea fan in the world to expect great things this year. The begining could not have been any better. Chelsea was scoring 5 to 6 goals a game. It was like watching a video game. Three weeks into the season I could feel Chelseas grasp on the trophy becoming tighter and tighter, man was I wrong. Injuries began to plague the team, and poor form away from the Bridge (Stamford Bridge, Chelseas Stadium) became regular. Now the best Chelsea can finsish is third place. Another year is about to be over for Chelsea, and all I can do as well as the rest of the Chelsea nation, is wait for next year.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Academy Awards

Film in general has been a big passion of mine ever since I was in fifth grade. It all started when I found a big book on the Academy Awards in the public library near my house in Canada. For some reason I became hooked. So when I say I strongly dislike the change the Academy has made on the Award ceremony and the nominations for best picture it probably is a little biased. Changing the Best Picture nominations from five to ten in my opinion has made the award and category less prestegious. Before if you were nominated it was a huge honor. You were one of the only five films picked by the (not so wise academy selecties). Now films like Toy Story 3, and big money making movies are being nominated for the purpose of bringing in a wider audieance of fans. To me the academy sold out and it really leaves me feeling a bit angry. There are a few benefits to the change. Indie films and foreign films have a bigger chance of getting recognition by the Academy, which in years past have been overlooked countless times. In the end I believe the negatives out weigh the positives. I do admitt Im speeking soley on the basis of being a hardcore follower and avid film watcher. I do not have to think of the money involved in this change and increasing the entertainment value of the ceremony.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pele has concerns about preperations for World Cup 2014

Pele known as one of the greatest soccer players of all time has raised concern about the preparations for the upcoming World Cup in 2014. The world cup is set in Brazil known for its beautiful and magical soccer play. Pele says the delays in the preparations for the upcoming world cup could cause embarrassment for the whole country. Delays in the modernization and renovation of Brazil's overcrowded and saturated airports have been the main cause of discomfort. Things are way behind schedule, there is a long road ahead for those involved in the preparations for World Cup 2014. I sure hope things settle and get on track. Its been a while since the World Cup was held in Brazil. Brazil is the only country to make every tournament and has won the most titles in World Cup history with 5 World cup titles, followed by Germany with 4, and Italy with 3.