Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Academy Awards

Film in general has been a big passion of mine ever since I was in fifth grade. It all started when I found a big book on the Academy Awards in the public library near my house in Canada. For some reason I became hooked. So when I say I strongly dislike the change the Academy has made on the Award ceremony and the nominations for best picture it probably is a little biased. Changing the Best Picture nominations from five to ten in my opinion has made the award and category less prestegious. Before if you were nominated it was a huge honor. You were one of the only five films picked by the (not so wise academy selecties). Now films like Toy Story 3, and big money making movies are being nominated for the purpose of bringing in a wider audieance of fans. To me the academy sold out and it really leaves me feeling a bit angry. There are a few benefits to the change. Indie films and foreign films have a bigger chance of getting recognition by the Academy, which in years past have been overlooked countless times. In the end I believe the negatives out weigh the positives. I do admitt Im speeking soley on the basis of being a hardcore follower and avid film watcher. I do not have to think of the money involved in this change and increasing the entertainment value of the ceremony.